When I open the sample code file using nvim, I initially see syntax highlighting like second capture.
However, once rust_analyzer
is loaded, the highlighting automatically changes to the first capture:
Can anyone help me figure out how to turn off syntax highlighting by rust_analyzer
? Thank you.
yeah i have the same behavior from the last update to 0.9 version
start({bufnr}, {client_id}, {opts}) *vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.start()*
Start the semantic token highlighting engine for the given buffer with the
given client. The client must already be attached to the buffer.
NOTE: This is currently called automatically by
|vim.lsp.buf_attach_client()|. To opt-out of semantic highlighting with a
server that supports it, you can delete the semanticTokensProvider table
from the {server_capabilities} of your client in your |LspAttach| callback
or your configuration's `on_attach` callback: >lua
client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil
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I utilized the most recent version, which I manually compiled in my local environment. However, I switched to the stable version (available on the stable
branch) and the issue has been resolved.
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