Astrovim + jedi-language-server, how do I get pycodestyle highlighting?

I’ve been playing around with neovim again using the AstroVim configuration. I installed the jedi-language-server for Python (I went with it to avoid installing node.js, as some of the others required npm). It works really well with showing errors and fairly well with completion. There are two big things I’d really like and was wondering if any other Python devs have a configuration for them:

  • pycodestyle (PEP8) marking/highlights (preferably configurable since I normally ignore E501,W504).
  • In pycharm, you can alt+enter an unresolvable name and it will suggest things to import. You can hit enter and it adds those imports to the file

I’ve done a lot of searches and found stuff for jedi-vim or stuff for other language servers, but I can’t seem to find any good documentation for configuring pycodestyle highlights for jedi-language-server on neovim.