Hey all!
I just took the neovim pill a few weeks ago, and now I can’t seem to get enough. Longtime vim user, and I am blown away at all the new functionality of neovim and the new plugins. Thanks so much to everyone!
I’m trying to convert a Trailing White Space vimscript I had in my old .vimrc. I think I got the conversion done, but now when I bring up certain plugins (togglerterm in floating mode, alpha, Telescope), the trailing whitespace is run, and it makes it look ugly. I’d like to ignore certain buffer types, and I can’t seem to make it work. Looking for any help.
Herere is the original vimscript:
augroup WhitespaceMatch
" Remove ALL autocommands for the WhitespaceMatch group.
autocmd BufWinEnter * let w:whitespace_match_number =
\ matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', '\s\+$')
autocmd InsertEnter * call s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch('i')
autocmd InsertLeave * call s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch('n')
augroup END
function! s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch(mode)
let pattern = (a:mode == 'i') ? '\s\+\%#\@<!$' : '\s\+$'
if exists('w:whitespace_match_number')
call matchdelete(w:whitespace_match_number)
call matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', pattern, 10, w:whitespace_match_number)
" Something went wrong, try to be graceful.
let w:whitespace_match_number = matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', pattern)
highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
And here is what I converted it to. I am commenting on the lines that don’t seem to work, instead of adding them in later. I do believe I have reached parity with the old script, but I can’t figure out how to ignore certain buffer types.
vim.cmd([[highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red]])
local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd
local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup
local whtSpcGrp = augroup("ExtraWhiteSpace", { clear = true})
local excluded_buffertypes = {"toggleterm", "alpha", 'TelescopePrompt', 'Trouble', 'help', 'TelescopeResults'}
autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
callback = function()
-- my attempt to return early and not act on buffer type.
if vim.tbl_contains(excluded_buffertypes, vim.bo.filetype) then
vim.w.whitespace_match_number = vim.fn.matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', [[\s\+$]])
group = whtSpcGrp,
autocmd("InsertEnter", {
callback = function()
group = whtSpcGrp,
autocmd("InsertLeave", {
callback = function()
group = whtSpcGrp,
function _G.ToggleWhitespaceMatch(mode)
-- my attempt to return early and not act on buffer type.
if vim.tbl_contains(excluded_buffertypes, vim.bo.filetype) then
local pattern = ""
if mode == "i" then
pattern = [[\s\+\%#\@<!$]]
pattern = [[\s\+$]]
if vim.fn.exists(vim.w.whitespace_match_number) then
vim.fn.matchadd('ExtraWhiteSpace', pattern, 10, vim.w.whitespace_match_number)
vim.w.whitespace_match_number = vim.fn.matchadd('ExtraWhiteSpace', pattern)
When I run this, it works as I would expect in my normal files. However, when I run toggleterm, or alpha, it finds the whitespaces and highlights them. I’d really prefer it doesn’t.
I know there are other Trailing Whitespace plugins I could use, and I’m open to them, but converting this vimscript to lua was incredible practice in learning lua, neovim lua scripting, and neovim. I just got stuck on this.
Thanks for any advice.