I am trying to disable showing LSP diagnostsics in-line.
I use null-ls and the diagnostics coming from both eslint and lsp is quite distracting (they are often duplicates of one another too).
- How do I only see the diagnostics when I do
- How can I disable lsp for a specific language?
you can find my config for lsp here: awesome-rrcs/lsp.lua at main · cytommi/awesome-rrcs · GitHub
Thanks in advance!
- If you’re on the nightly:
-- Diagnostic settings
vim.diagnostic.config {
virtual_text = false,
signs = false,
underline = false,
That will disable it for the entire diagnostic module (all servers). show_line_diagnostics
will still work.
- The language server is only started based on the filetypes specified in each
call for lspconfig. If there’s a particular server you don’t want starting, don’t call setup for it. If there’s a particular server you don’t want starting for a specific filetype, pass a new filetypes
key in the setup{} call which excludes the filetype you do not want lspconfig to start the server for.
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