A priori, there is nothing in the built-in client that should cause “slowness” regardless of lag in language servers (without autocompletion).
I can’t reproduce your issue in a test container. You can try it out with: podman run --rm -it docker.io/mjlbach/try.nvim:slim-elixir (or s/podman/docker)
I don’t think so, I imagine it’s something with your environment or config. I would try removing all plugins, start with the minimal init.lua from lspconfig (or the one I included in the link above) and see if you can reproduce. You can also try using the same elixirls build I used.
I noticed a few things so updating this.
In my case one problem is enabling coq_nvim or nvim-cmp makes the neovim extremely slow.
But for somehow after a few minutes it gets better
And digging some fun stuff i also found out that when the neovim is extremely slow and if i keep scrolling through the code i get TS parse error which i opened:
But the grammer it self doesn’t seems to be the actual problem here.
Also, none of other languages such as tsserver have this problem except for elixir.
Currently I’m trying to figure out who(which plugin) is the atual problem. any ideas?
Actually, without coq or cmp enabled, treesitter + elixir grammer works fine.
enabling coq or cmp + treesitter and elixir’s grammer gets extremely slow.
omg… i’m so lost…
I’m seeing something similar. I disabled highlighting of Elixir files and things went back to relative normal.
local status_ok, configs = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.configs")
if not status_ok then
-- ...
highlight = {
enable = true, -- false will disable the whole extension
disable = { "elixir" }, -- list of language that will be disabled
additional_vim_regex_highlighting = true,
-- ...
This is a known issue with Tree-sitter (not Neovim).
Even though the issue is still open, the TS developers have made a number of improvements recently. I haven’t experienced any performance problems since switching to Neovim HEAD, which (I believe) includes those updates.