After a bit of asking around for more help on this regards, I referred to this dotfiles repository. I took some inspiration from it and added it to my dotfiles.
If you can’t access the links shared above, here are the contents of the filetype.lua I added:
-- Module for defining new filetypes. I picked up these configurations based on inspirations from this dotfiles repo:
-- Detect and assign filetype based on the extension of the filename
extension = {
mdx = "mdx",
log = "log",
conf = "conf",
env = "dotenv",
-- Detect and apply filetypes based on the entire filename
filename = {
[".env"] = "dotenv",
["env"] = "dotenv",
["tsconfig.json"] = "jsonc",
-- Detect and apply filetypes based on certain patterns of the filenames
pattern = {
-- INFO: Match filenames like - ".env.example", ".env.local" and so on
["%.env%.[%w_.-]+"] = "dotenv",
The aforementioned configurations properly identifies and applies the proper filetype detection (i.e dotenv) to the following list of files:
.env or env
.env.local or env.local
.env.example or env.example
There is probably a better solution to this issue I’m facing but so far I couldn’t come up with anything better. So, if you’ve have better solution (perhaps using the pattern key with a regexp?), please feel free to share it here.