How to discover key mappings that start with a leader


I know I can use :nmap to show all the normal-mode key mappings, but it doesn’t seem to include mappings that begin with the mapleader or maplocalleader keys. any way to show those?



The which-key plugin is worth looking into if you haven’t already.

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I think it’s there, the <leader> is replaced by the actual leader character.

:let mapleader='<space>'
:map <leader><F9> :echo "AAAAA"
" ...
<space><F9>   :echo "AAAAA"
" ...
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this is good advice, as I find this plugin (WhichKey) to be quite handy. actually—I found the ‘solution’ to my problem: there never was a problem. I was looking for mappings that began with my leader (‘,’), but, I didn’t have any such mappings.

Thanks, this is what I was looking for. specifically, that I can run the command :nmap <localleader> to show me mappings that begin with the localleader.