How to set default formatter?

I use volar + stylelint_lsp, when I try to format a vue file, a window opens each time with a choice of formatter:

Select a language server:
(1) stylelint_lsp, (2) volar:

So, how can I assign stylelint_lsp as the default formatter for vue files?
Or how can I disable formatting at all for volar?

I use this code for autoformatting:

vim.cmd 'au BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync()'

Hacky right now, but you can do:

    on_attach = function(client)
        client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting = false
        client.resolved_capabilities.document_range_formatting = false

or pass the list of client_ids in formatting_seq_sync

Thanks, it works! :innocent:
if it’s not difficult for you, can you direct me to the current capabilities documentation?

I don’t know what you mean by current_capabilities documentation, this isn’t the “intended” way to do this (we never really anticipated the rise of multiple language servers). 0.7 will add a better API for this.