I don't understand the help text in 'bufhidden'

This option specifies what happens when a buffer is no longer
displayed in a window:
  <empty>	follow the global 'hidden' option
  hide		hide the buffer (don't unload it), also when 'hidden'
            is not set
  unload	unload the buffer, also when 'hidden' is set or using
  delete	delete the buffer from the buffer list, also when
		    'hidden' is set or using |:hide|, like using
  wipe		wipe out the buffer from the buffer list, also when
		    'hidden' is set or using |:hide|, like using

I don’t understand what the second half of the sentences mean: “also when …”.

Wait, is that supposed to be “even when” or “even if”?

Edit: meh, it is. You can delete this post if you want to.