I still want Multiple Cursors and I’ve been using Vim/neovim for 8 years

I’ve tried all the tricks i can find. Recording a macro on one line, replaying it on a bunch of others. Using C-v for blocks insert but nothing has convinced me there is a better solution to multiple non-consecutive line selection/editing than multiple edit points/cursors. It is laughably simple and effective compared to any native Vim solution i have tried.

Or is it just me? Would anyone else welcome multiple cursors capability with open arms?

I’m asking you, how do you do it? Adding an extra line to every object in a JSON file or similar?


This issue makes me think the maintainers aren’t against it: Multiple cursors (again) · Issue #7257 · neovim/neovim · GitHub

Someone needs to implement it though x)

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I would love to see multiple cursors in nvim but stated, someone needs to implement it…

Personally, whenever I need multiple cursors I open sublime text, when I need multiple cursors subl I a life saver!

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Yes. It’s basically the only thing that still makes me open sublime from time to time

Have you tried this plugin: Multiple cursors plugin for vim/neovim?


I use cgn. Also substitute now has live preview it feels much better


I’ve started to get used to recording a macro and then applying it where i want with ‘:g/pattern/norm! @a

It’sa different approach but not too painful now I’m doing it more often.