Hello Everyone,
I’m hoping that someone with a more experience than I with lua/neovim might confirm that my approach to configuring neovim/lsp is sound.
There are essentially 4 phases to the process
usermod settings for handles and capabilities (“global” context)
that reads in series of configurations in a sequence-dependent-manner- first activate plugins that aren’t related to lsp (directly anyway): e.g.,
require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup({ ... })
- following by my
config file. Here I might have a list of lsps that may or may not have custom setups. They are need access to the usermod settings (see below)
- first activate plugins that aren’t related to lsp (directly anyway): e.g.,
run the lsp setups for tools that provide “lsp+” capabilities
run my legacy
configurations and plugin activations
Snippets from my nvim-lspconfig.lua
local servers = {
ensure_installed = servers,
-- create local setup, attach to a lua table
local eslint = { ... }
local sqlls = { ... }
-- activate each lsp in the list
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
local generic_opts = {
capabilities = capabilities,
on_attach = handlers.on_attach,
flags = { debounce_text_changes = 150 },
local specialized_opts = option_lookup[lsp]
if specialized_opts == nil then
local opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend(
The third group configs called by init.vim
. Here is one of them.
-- depends on `lspconfig`
-- rust-tools - Augmented lsp languages
-- - includes options sent to rust_analyzer
-- Use this to access the extra information provided by the rust
-- language server (rust_analyzer)
-- tools: see https://github.com/simrat39/rust-tools.nvim#configuration
local status_ok, _ = pcall(require, "lspconfig")
if not status_ok then
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
local handlers = require("usermod.nvim_handlers")
local capabilities = require("usermod.env")
local util = require("lspconfig/util")
-- rust-tools depends on lspconfig plugin; so presumably sets-up
-- the connection between this setup and the lsp (not the case for tsserver)
tools = {
-- rust-tools options
autoSetHints = true,
inlay_hints = {
-- all the options to send to nvim-lspconfig
-- these override the defaults set by rust-tools.nvim
-- see https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/CONFIG.md#rust_analyzer
server = {
-- The callback following when the language server attaches to the buffer
on_attach = handlers.on_attach, -- RHS set in usermod
capabilities = capabilities, -- RHS set in usermod
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
Finally, I’m also using the $HOME/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>.lua
approach to host the file-type specific configs outside the lsp-related content.
Am I doing what I think I’m doing? In other words, correctly connecting the dots :)) Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thank you!