LSP Configuration Troubles


I recently completed my neovim configuration on my Manjaro desktop, and am now trying to port it to Termux.

Almost everything works out of the box, but my LSP configuration (which works flawlessly on desktop) seems to have issues.

Some LSPs seems to work fine (example: clangd works exactly as it does on desktop).

Some other LSPs however, fail on termux - this is weird, because everything seems to be setup correctly.

The main LSP I am having troubles with, is typescript-language-server.

When I open a TS file, I get the folowing error:

Spawning language server with cmd: `/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/typescript-language-server` failed. The language server is either not install
ed, missing from PATH, or not executable.

This error is plain incorrect, as I can execute typescript-language-server anywhere in my terminal, even in new session (implying that it is correctly part of my PATH variable).

I installed typescript-language-server exactly as described on their github: npm install -g typescript-language-server. I do not use Mason (this is on purpose, and I would like to keep it this way). On desktop this same setup works.

:LspLog does not contain any entry concerning typescript-language-server.

:LspInfo correctly detects typescript-language-server should be used, but it is not running or attached. It states the cmd is executable.

This is also confirmed by executing :echo executable("typescript-language-server") which returns 1.

What log files can I check to see what is actually going wrong? As the LSP error message clearly is incorrect. Does anyone know what the root cause of this issue could be, or how I could get it to work?

Please do not dismis this issue because it is related to Termux, I would like to get this setup to work, or at least know why it can’t work. Currently I have no clue why this is not working, no clue where to look for a reason why it is not working, even though everything appears to be setup correctly.

Thanks for any input, I greatly appreciate it!