Hello! I have been using nvim-lspconfig
quite joyfully with solargraph
(Ruby) as well as lua_ls
. Love it!
However, I’m having trouble getting it to work with eslint
. When I open an offensive file (one with linting errors), I don’t see anything! I need assistance debugging my setup and not sure where to turn next. Here is what I’ve looked at so far:
First, I can confirm via :LspInfo
that the eslint
client is attached to the buffer.
2 client(s) attached to this buffer:
Client: GitHub Copilot (id: 1, bufnr: [1])
# ...
Client: eslint (id: 2, bufnr: [1])
filetypes: javascript, javascriptreact, typescript, typescriptreact, vue
autostart: true
root directory: /Users/damon/Project/my-project
cmd: /Users/damon/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/vscode-eslint-language-server --stdio
Second, if I use vim-dispatch
to run eslint
on the file (e.g., :Dispatch yarn eslint %
) I can see the errors in the quickfix window. So the file has errors.
Third, if I run :EslintFixAll
in the buffer, it actually does fix the offending file in the buffer correctly! So this part is working.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten. Any ideas on how to debug this?
return {
dependencies = {
config = function()
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
local mason = require("mason")
local mason_lspconfig = require("mason-lspconfig")
ensure_installed = {
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
-- Mappings
local bufopts = { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = bufnr }
vim.keymap.set("n", "gd", vim.lsp.buf.definition, bufopts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "K", vim.lsp.buf.hover, bufopts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>f", function()
vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true })
end, bufopts)
local capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())
lspconfig.lua_ls.setup {
-- ...
lspconfig.solargraph.setup {
-- ...
lspconfig.eslint.setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities,
settings = {
validate = "on",
packageManager = "yarn",
root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern(".eslintrc.js", ".eslintrc.json", "package.json"),
filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "vue" },
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '[d', '<CMD>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', ']d', '<CMD>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })