Lunarvim lspsaga shows chinese characters

I’ve downloaded lunarvim and installed an lsp.

It works, but some things really confuses me.
What’s that red chinese character on the left?

And why do I have a blue chinese character 7?
Is this some kind of git thing?

it’s most probably a font issue. try using a font which supports nerd fonts. I personally use
Jetbrains Mono Nerd Font but a full list is available here

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@folaht Have you solved the problem? I’m typing in Rust on Lunarvim and it shows the exact same Chinese character on the left side of the editor as the one in your screenshot. I’ve installed all the Nerdfonts through their script.

Any words on this will be of great help.

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I had the same or at least a similar problem in gnome-terminal. For me, this worked: ubuntu - Patched fonts not showing up on gnome-terminal - Super User