[Poll] Which terminal emulator do you use?

I use kitty with i3wm.

I like konsole because of the standard KDE applications feature Alt+Shift+I to search in the application menu (HUD)

Foot + Sway + NixOS = :two_hearts:

Alacritty on Arch Linux, foot on postmarketOS. (Both are running Sway.)

I use Alacritty nowadays because the last time I tried Kitty (a few years ago), I had some visual glitches in it and it would launch a tiny bit slower than Alacritty.

I use foot because that’s what was preinstalled with the postmarketOS image for my device, it performs reasonably well, and with a touch screen, I don’t need vi-like keyboard selection (a feature present in Alacritty but not in foot).