I have an issue with go to implementation functionality.
I am currently using nvim 0.5.1, lsp-config updated yesterday, pyright version is 1.1.184
lsp.log: [WARN][2021-11-01 21:51:41] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:87 "method textDocument/implementation is not supported by any of the servers registered for the current buffer"
Calling the method returns a: e5108: Error executing lua /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/handlers.lua:458: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil)
I think here is in code
Seems it client_id is null
Hey, switched to nightly, updated pyright and lspsava.nvim plugin, same issue, now nvim does not show the error above instead just returns method textDocument/implementation is not supported by any of the servers registered for the current buffer
also code_action for a missing import returns No code actions available.
Is this a pyright issue ?
The rest of are working.
Understood, so should i make a PR to remove them from the documentation ?
I think it just adds confusion (at least for me it did ) about the plugin configuration.
I was refering to this documentation.
The first server is pyright, and i thought that it being in the example config, all of the commands would be available/implemented for it.
I understand that the mappings apply to all servers but would be nice to have an * that lets you know that some commands may not be available for it.
@mjlbach said that it’s not supported by pyright so updating nvim does not fix this.
How does it work for you?
I am currently on nightly with all plugins updated and still have this issue.