Submit your questions for the 0.6 release core team Q&A here

Hi all,

You can post here with questions you would like us to answer during the release stream on Tuesday (see announcements). We’ll choose several of the questions to address, mixed in with live questions from the twitch chat.


The Neovim Core Team


Hi Love your work!

what parts of other editors have influenced your work on nvim?

and is there any plans to add a lua dialect like fennel or teal into core?

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Thanks for building the best editor out there!

What needs to be done for a 1.0 release?

Hello, thanks for your amazing work !

I’m a plugin maintainer, and I would want to know what are your plans of:

Do you consider releasing neovim more often?

  • Some actively developed plugins work better with nightly builds.
  • I’ve been using nightly builds and have found them pretty stable, never had to revert.

Edit, the answer from stream:

  • release happens when new features materialize
  • expect around 6 months to year between releases

Are there plans to integrate dap into neovim? If so where does it fit into the road map?

Any breaking changes between 0.5.x and 0.6? Thanks for all the hard work

Tree-sitter integration (highlighting, folds)
Better file-change detection
Unified diagnostics API
Updated defaults

from a casual user standpoint, what actions do i need to take, if any, on my config given the changes mentioned on the roadmap?
no longer need to include the treesitter plugin? review my settings in light of the updated defaults?
are there any other changes not mentioned on the official roadmap that would affect what’s in my config?
the changes to defaults, is there a simple, overall summary of what settings changed?

Wait for the release and go over the release notes (you can also see Following HEAD: breaking changes on master · Issue #14090 · neovim/neovim · GitHub for the changes over the 0.6.0 development cycle). There will also be a newsletter going over the high-level changes some time after the release. What you list is from the Roadmap, which was aspirational at the time of the 0.5.0 release. Plans may and must change over the course of time. In particular, no big changes around tree-sitter ended up being made during that time.

As a general comment: This thread is for submitting “interview” questions for the release stream, not for general and technical questions regarding 0.6.0.

0.7 when???

j/k, great job folks!

Any plans for a neovim UI components library on core? I think a lot of people (myself included) are re-implementing the same things over and over again. UI components like popup notifications, or inputs on a floating window.

TJs dog is very cute. Can he show him/her on stream? Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all of the questions! If we didn’t answer anything sufficiently feel free to ping us on matrix.