Suddenly getting checkhealth issues

I was trying to install (or rather make mason install) a few extra LSP’s that I’ll need, however I had an issue installing asm_lsp by now I’ve figured out what the issue was with that by looking through mason logs, but I thought it may be easier to just do :checkhealth, when I did however I got this weird error.

E5009: Invalid $VIMRUNTIME: /usr/share/nvim/runtime
Error executing lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: attempt to call field '_check' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [string "<nvim>"]:1: in main chunk

I looked into /usr/share/nvim/runtime, doing ripgrep I indeed didn’t fine any mention of ‘_check’ on its own. Then I did some digging into E5009 for which the documentation says:

                Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME|, 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' to
                find the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
                filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins (including
                :checkhealth).  If the runtime files cannot be found then
                those features will not work.

I find that weird, I know that my syntax highlighting and plugins are working fine so (I assume) that it can find the files. I also went to /usr/share/nvim/runtime and plenty of files seem to be there and I didn’t change any of these files. I tried reverting the changes to my config as if that would somehow magically fix things which didn’t work (for the record, uninstalling the installed LSP’s also didn’t work).

Anywho, I literally have any clue what could be wrong here, does anyone else have any clue?


I’m seeing this now and don’t know if it’s the cause of other problems I’ve been having. Did you manage to fix it?

I did a binary search to narrow it down to the following section of my init.vim:

Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {
    \ 'branch': 'next',
    \ 'do': './'
    \ }

Commenting this out allows :checkhealth to produce a small bit of output, but it then errors out with:

Error executing lua: function health#lsp#check, line 1: Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: health#report_start
stack traceback:                                                                                                                                                                             
        [C]: in function 'call'                                                                                                                                                              
        /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/health.lua:366: in function '_check'                                                                                                                 
        [string "<nvim>"]:1: in main chunk                        

More bisection led me to this line, which when removed prevents the second error:

Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'

Looking closer, it seems the old report_health API was deprecated and replaced with a more concise set of functions. I’ve opened a PR on vim-lsp which fixes it for me.
Not sure about LanguageClient-neovim; that project hasn’t had any commits for 2 years.