Suddenly getting checkhealth issues

I was trying to install (or rather make mason install) a few extra LSP’s that I’ll need, however I had an issue installing asm_lsp by now I’ve figured out what the issue was with that by looking through mason logs, but I thought it may be easier to just do :checkhealth, when I did however I got this weird error.

E5009: Invalid $VIMRUNTIME: /usr/share/nvim/runtime
Error executing lua: [string "<nvim>"]:1: attempt to call field '_check' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [string "<nvim>"]:1: in main chunk

I looked into /usr/share/nvim/runtime, doing ripgrep I indeed didn’t fine any mention of ‘_check’ on its own. Then I did some digging into E5009 for which the documentation says:

                Nvim depends on |$VIMRUNTIME|, 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' to
                find the standard "runtime files" for syntax highlighting,
                filetype-specific behavior, and standard plugins (including
                :checkhealth).  If the runtime files cannot be found then
                those features will not work.

I find that weird, I know that my syntax highlighting and plugins are working fine so (I assume) that it can find the files. I also went to /usr/share/nvim/runtime and plenty of files seem to be there and I didn’t change any of these files. I tried reverting the changes to my config as if that would somehow magically fix things which didn’t work (for the record, uninstalling the installed LSP’s also didn’t work).

Anywho, I literally have any clue what could be wrong here, does anyone else have any clue?

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