Autocmd to keep cursor position on yank

I stumbled upon this snippet source:

augroup yank_restore_cursor
    autocmd VimEnter,CursorMoved *
        \ let s:cursor = getpos('.')
    autocmd TextYankPost *
        \ if v:event.operator ==? 'y' |
            \ call setpos('.', s:cursor) |
        \ endif
augroup END

I already know how to convert get v:event --> vim.event.operator. The problem is that we have two autocommands, VimEnter,CursorMoved to store the cursor position and a third and separate event to restore the cursor position TextYankPost.

I already have this:

yank_restore_cursor = {
    event = "TextYankPost",
    pattern = "*",
    callback = function()
        local cursor = vim.fn.getpos('.')
        if vim.v.event.operator == 'y' then
            vim.fn.setpos('.', cursor)

If we use a print like print("event match") we see it captures the YnakPost, the problem is the missing part.

It seems like I figured out a solution, I have only one question about the variable where I store the cursor position, if is needed and how to restrict this variable to the augroups.yankpost scope.

local augroups = {}

augroups.yankpost = {

    save_cursor_position = {
        event = { "VimEnter", "CursorMoved" },
        pattern = "*",
        callback = function()
            cursor_pos = vim.fn.getpos('.')

	highlight_yank = {
		event = "TextYankPost",
		pattern = "*",
		callback = function ()
			vim.highlight.on_yank{higroup="IncSearch", timeout=400, on_visual=true}

    yank_restore_cursor = {
        event = "TextYankPost",
        pattern = "*",
        callback = function()
            local cursor = vim.fn.getpos('.')
            if vim.v.event.operator == 'y' then
                vim.fn.setpos('.', cursor_pos)


for group, commands in pairs(augroups) do
	local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("AU_", {clear = true})

	for _, opts in pairs(commands) do
		local event = opts.event
		opts.event = nil = augroup
		vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd(event, opts)

Bonus mappings to allow you to copy “inner line” and a whole line:

map("x", "al", ":<C-u>norm! 0v$<cr>", { desc = "Line text object" })
map("x", "il", ":<C-u>norm! _vg_<cr>", { desc = "Line text object" })
map("o", "al", ":norm! 0v$<cr>", { desc = "Line text object" })
map("o", "il", ":norm! _vg_<cr>", { desc = "Line text object" })