Can anyone help me make a global variable/expression = 1 of this made-up function?

:RunWithFile will be by default in nvim
have to type \x to use <F4> in order to trigger :RunWithFile
otherwise it doesn’t work… any fix for this?

I tried to use rwfcmd1 equal to 1 in global or local variable
used this let g:rwfcmd1 = 1 and let b:rwfcmd1 = 1 in my init.vim but it doesn’t work

So, i hope you folks can help me out

func! MapRunCmd() abort
    if exists("b:rwfcmd1") && b:rwfcmd1
        nnoremap <buffer> <F4> :RunWithFile ~/Downloads/ > output.txt && cat output.txt<s-left><s-left><s-left><s-left><s-left><left>
        let b:rwfcmd1 = 0
        nnoremap <buffer> <F4> :RunWithFile
        let b:rwfcmd1 = 1
nnoremap <leader>x :call MapRunCmd()<cr>

Where is the RunWithFile command definition?

Also, try using global variables, like this:

func! MapRunCmd() abort
    if exists("g:rwfcmd1") && g:rwfcmd1
        nnoremap <buffer> <F4> :RunWithFile ~/Downloads/ > output.txt && cat output.txt<s-left><s-left><s-left><s-left><s-left><left>
        let g:rwfcmd1 = 0
        nnoremap <buffer> <F4> :RunWithFile
        let g:rwfcmd1 = 1
nnoremap <leader>x :call MapRunCmd()<cr>

And as an even further improvement, you can just use the get function, like this:

  if get(g:,'rwfcmd1',0)

Because the function get already checks whether or not the variable exists in the g: dictionary.

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my problem is: I have to type \x to activate (in order to use <F4> :RunWithFile)
but I want this to be activated by default

then all i have to do is: type \x to toggle :RunWithFile to :RunWithFile ~/Downloads/ > output.txt && cat output

Can you please fix this or do it with get() function?

I still don’t understand what the :RunWithFile command does. Can you elaborate?

Can you please fix this or do it with get() function?

That was just a suggestion. It does the same, but only shorter. It won’t change the outcome.

If I understood correctly though, you want the contents of that function to be executed at startup?

You can just put this

call MapRunCmd()

Somewhere in your init.vim file instead of using a mapping.

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thank you for your help… finally i got it

Not at all. Happy to help.

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