I kinda regret discovering Neovide. It’s a very gorgeous nvim GUI, however one big caveat is the lack of app tabs (like native tabs for Windows or macOS apps) for running multiple instances. I looked through a bunch of posts about managing projects in Neovim and a lot of comments were either plugins for manually switching and entering projects, or having multiple nvim instances open in different terminal tabs.
I’ve been looking for ways to declare projects within nvim (and have them save), right now I settled on project.nvim, but I would manually add projects in the plugin config. And how would I manage many buffers? I’ve mentioned using Neotree a lot but I stopped since it currently can’t show every single buffer upon launching nvim. I’ve been using Telescope buffers but it takes time to read through the list.
I really want a nice solution that works in Neovide, ideally one instance due to lack of tab support. I feel like it would overwhelm my brain to have multiple difference neovide instances opened as their own apps rather than tabs like in a terminal. I also wish there was a terminal app which supported smooth scrolling like Neovide, including when nvim is open.