Ex view vimdiff mode shortcuts ( Debian / update-alternatives )


How to have ex, view and vimdiff links to open nvim respectively with -e, -R and -d on Debian ?

When I check the default for vim.nox, I have:
update-alternatives --get-selections | grep vim
editor                         manual   /usr/bin/vim.nox
ex                             auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
rview                          auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
rvim                           auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
vi                             auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
view                           auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
vim                            auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox
vimdiff                        auto     /usr/bin/vim.nox

So, I created those shortcuts with update-alternatives:

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ex ex "${NVIM_PATH}" 110            
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vi vi "${NVIM_PATH}" 110         
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/view view "${NVIM_PATH}" 110            
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vim vim "${NVIM_PATH}" 110         
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vimdiff vimdiff "${NVIM_PATH}" 110            
update-alternatives --set ex "${NVIM_PATH}"            
update-alternatives --set vi "${NVIM_PATH}"         
update-alternatives --set view "${NVIM_PATH}"            
update-alternatives --set vim "${NVIM_PATH}"         
update-alternatives --set vimdiff "${NVIM_PATH}"  

But it does not work, all the shortcuts are starting nvim in Normal mode, instead of the appropriate mode (ex / view / vimdiff).
Using nvim 0.6.0 compiled from source on Ubuntu 21.10.

For instance, how to make Neovim start in ex mode when called through the ex symlink ?

Thanks !

Maybe it’s not the “appropriate” way to do it but I just use and alias for view and vimdiff.