:filter mappings by <Space> key. How?

It looks impossible to filter mappings by key using :filter command. For example, here is an output of a :filter telescope nmap :

n <Space>fh * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").help_tags()<CR>
n <Space>fbr * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").file_browser()<CR>
n <Space>fb * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()<CR>
n <Space>fg * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep()<CR>
n <Space>ff * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files()<CR>

Here is an output of an :filter fb nmap :

n <Space>fbr * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").file_browser()<CR>
n <Space>fb * <Cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()<CR>

But there is just nothing if I enter :filter space nmap or :filter /<Space>/ nmap or :filter Cmd nmap

Here are the docs:

The :filter command can be used to select what mappings to list. The
pattern is matched against the {lhs} and {rhs} in the raw form" (Vim: map.txt)

Any suggestions? (I’m using latest Neovim nightly, macOS).

Answering to myself.

  1. As the pattern is matched to lhs in raw form, you should enter like this: Ctrl-v <Space>, so :filter / / nmap will work. But this command will show all mappings, because all mappings contains space symbol. So you may want to modify it like this: :filter /^ / nmap, which will filter all the mappings, starting with space.

  2. There is a workaround. You may use nmap <Space> instead of :filter.

Here is a discussion on this topic.