[help] ctrl+right or ctrl+left doesn't work in neovim on mac terminal because of mission control shortcuts

Switched from linux to mac couple of days ago
My machine: macOS Monterey
Neovim version: latest v0.6.1

My config:

nnoremap <C-Right> :tabn<CR>
nnoremap <C-Left> :tabp<CR>

For tab switching, I normally use ctrl+right for next tab and ctrl+left for previous tab

but can’t seem to use the shortcuts in neovim on mac terminal because of Mission Control, i believe.
It also uses the same keys in OS level which i use for tab switching.

Mission Control offers a bird’s-eye view of all your open windows, desktop spaces, and any apps in full screen or Split View, making it easy to switch between them

Can anyone please help me use the config in neovim on mac terminal?
so that ctrl+right works solely tab switching when i am in neovim and doesn’t let mission control to switch between apps.

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You can remove the Mission Control shortcuts by going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission Control.

I don’t believe you can control the behaviour on a per-app basis.