How to injection language with treesitter

I try to injection vim on lua but it is not working?

      (property_identifier) @cmd_identifier
      (string) @vim
  (#eq? @cmd_identifier "cmd")

my query syntax is correct but it is not inject vim on lua.

treesitter doesn’t have a vimscript parser yet . I’m not sure what you’re trying to do by injecting vim.

Lol i forget to check is treesitter support vimscript.
I only want to highlight my vim script in vim.cmd[[ ]]] :slight_smile:

There is one: GitHub - vigoux/tree-sitter-viml: Tree-sitter parser for VimL
But it is still a work in progress, and also not yet available through nvim-treesitter.

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Great . How can I install it ?

the instruction should be available on nvim-treesitter readme : )

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Thanks I forgot about thats ection :slight_smile: