How to know keymap conflicts **before** we run

In neovim, same keymaps towards different commands are able to be defined so that we know conflicts are occur after we press that keymaps. But I’d like to know or search such conflicts are existing before running it.

Is there anyone who knows how to do that ??

:verbose map

Thanks for your replying.

You solution is able to show all mappings but not conflicts.

There are many irrelevant mappings shown to me so I can’t figure out where the conflicts exist.

use plugin


:Redir verbose map

gg v Shift+g :



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Thanks man.

Your reply made me come up with next solution.

:enew|pu=execute('verbose map')

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After previous post , I found this plugins to investigate the conflicts of keymaps:

which-key has :checkhealth which_key to find out if there are some conflicts.

Installing plugin is needed but it’s the easiest way to do what I want.