I was discussing with a reddit user u//SH4DOW_KING how to implement IntelliJ’s “hungry backspace,” which behaves as follows, where |
is the cursor:
local function foo()
local function foo()
after hitting backspace, regardless of indent level, and
local function foo()
local function foo()
Essentially, if deleting whitespace, it deletes as much as possible until the next syntactically proper indentation.
I recommend binding Shift-Backspace, as I do in the mapping, to normal backspace in instances where overriding this behavior is useful, which I’ve found to be the case particularly in Python
local escape_code = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(
false, false, true
local backspace_code = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(
false, false, true
local function viml_backspace()
-- expression from a deleted reddit user
let g:exprvalue =
\ (&indentexpr isnot '' ? &indentkeys : &cinkeys) =~? '!\^F' &&
\ &backspace =~? '.*eol\&.*start\&.*indent\&' &&
\ !search('\S','nbW',line('.')) ? (col('.') != 1 ? "\<C-U>" : "") .
\ "\<bs>" . (getline(line('.')-1) =~ '\S' ? "" : "\<C-F>") : "\<bs>"
return vim.g.exprvalue
local function backspace()
local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
local before_cursor_is_whitespace = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
:sub(0, col)
if not before_cursor_is_whitespace then
return require('nvim-autopairs').autopairs_bs()
if line == 1 then
return viml_backspace()
local correct_indent = require("nvim-treesitter.indent").get_indent(line)
local current_indent = vim.fn.indent(line)
local previous_line_is_whitespace = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(
0, line - 2, line - 1, false
if current_indent == correct_indent then
if previous_line_is_whitespace then
return viml_backspace()
return backspace_code
elseif current_indent > correct_indent then
return escape_code .. "==0wi"
return backspace_code
m_o('i', '<BS>', backspace, {
expr = true,
noremap = true,
replace_keycodes = false,
m('i', '<S-BS>', '<BS>')
The convoluted viml expression at the beginning is a good implementation of the first feature of hungry whitespace, which I may rewrite in lua at some point, but for now is pretty convenient—the issue is, it doesn’t implement the second part of the functionality I demonstrated, and nvim-autopairs has its own backspace which automatically deletes pairs, and I would like to keep that functionality as well.
The finished mapping after a couple of iterations uses a series of checks to apply the appropriate backspace output, and I tried to include every edge case and minimize external function calls. If I get around to the lua rewrite, I will certainly update this with that code!