Mapping help noob

i want this :

nno ([[<Tab>]], [[<c-w>p]])
tno ([[<Tab>]], [[<c-\><c-n><c-w>w]])

If i do it in command mode - it wouldnt work after close-open vim, Where do i type this to get it working permanently. (i installed nvchad, i have:

.config/nvim/lua/ …
i see mappings.lua files but i dont know how to put this two strings there for it to work

to switch on tab between terminal and regular windows in split mode using NvChad:

-- more keybinds!
M.disabled = {
  n = {
      ["<tab>"] = "",
      ["<C-l>"] = ""
  i = {
      ["<C-l>"] = ""
} = {
  t = {
      ["<tab>"] = { vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-\\><C-N><C-w>h", true, true, true), "Escape terminal mode, Window left" }
  n = {
      ["<tab>"] = { "<C-w>l", "Window right"}
  i = {
      ["<tab>"] = { "<Right>", "Move right" }

return M