My <C-o> is messed up

When I type in normal mode my neovim jumps between the last two positions, even when I have just typed j or k it jumps between these two lines. It is like if I have just two entries in the jumplist but my jumplist is this:

salto linha col arquivo/texto
   9  1121   17 /usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc/starting.txt
   8  1118   17 /usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc/starting.txt
   7  1127   17 /usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc/starting.txt
   6   696   14 opt.shada="!,'100,<50,s10,h,:100"
   5   835   37 map('n', '<leader>o', ':lua require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles()<cr>')
   4   922    0 -- delete the rest of the current line
   3   923   19 map('i', '<c-k>',  '<C-o>D')
   2     1   10 -- init.lua
   1     1    0 ~/.dotfiles/algorithm/shell/zsh/record

I have already cheked if I have any <C-o> mappings using this:

:verbose map <c-o>