Rustaceanvim - a setup-less, lspconfig-free fork of rust-tools

As some in this community know, I’ve been a little frustrated with the fact that most plugins (including nvim-lspconfig) and plugins that depend on it use a setup function, which eagerly loads everything, must be called for the plugin to work, and leads to a bunch of architectural problems^1.

^1: See my blog post on the topic. Apart from that - feature-wise - rust-tools is a really great plugin!

It appears that rust-tools.nvim hasn’t been touched in a while.
I’m not sure if it’s still maintained, but I decided to take the opportunity to start maintaining a revamped fork: rustaceanvim.
It fixes a bunch of bugs and adds some new stuff. But most importantly, it just works out of the box - without lspconfig and with minimal impact on Neovim’s startup. It adds luadoc (still wip) and static type checking, among other things.
The full changelog of differences is detailed here.