I’m thinking of submitting a bug report since I really don’t think this should be the case, but I want some thoughts first.
I just spent a while wondering why setting shiftwidth
or tabstop
didn’t apply to markdown files … and its because of markdown_recommended_style
being set to 1 by default, which overrides those values to 4: neovim/runtime/ftplugin/markdown.vim at d25889ab7607918a152bab5ce4d14e54575ec11b · neovim/neovim · GitHub.
If a user wants different values specifically for markdown then they can easily set it on their own, more easily than finding out the hard the way that its being overridden. I kept looking it up and found out in a reddit comment.
helpgrep markdown_recommended_style
MARKDOWN *ft-markdown-plugin*
To enable folding use this: >
let g:markdown_folding = 1
'expandtab' will be set by default. If you do not want that use this: >
let g:markdown_recommended_style = 0