Unexpected change in background colour between revisions

I use a colour scheme via a plugin:

call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged')
" ...
Plug 'cocopon/iceberg.vim'
call plug#end()

It has a dark blue background.

As of commit fix: source syncolors.vim before startup scripts · neovim/neovim@0bcf96b · GitHub , the background colour becomes a light grey instead. I’m able to get it to go to the original colour by putting

set background=dark

at the end of my init.vim

I’m unsure if this is a bug / regression or if it’s new behaviour that I’m not understanding yet.

Can anyone advise?

I’m using kitty terminal, by the way.

It is common for themes to support a light and a dark mode. This is set with the variable “set background=dark”. So everything is fine.