Can I choose the color of my yank highlighting?

My current yank highlighting color is ugly orange.
I want to chenge that but searching through the documentation I can’t
find any options determining it’s color.

Below is my configuration for yank highlighting.


local highlight_yank = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("highlight_yank", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
    pattern = "*",
    callback = function()
        vim.highlight.on_yank({ higroup = "IncSearch", timeout = 100 })
    group = highlight_yank,

on_yank takes a table, and one of the accepted keys is higroup, described as follows:

            • higroup highlight group for yanked region (default

so by either changing the higroup to some custom value or by setting the color for IncSearch (this will change the look of incremental search/replace as well), this should be possible

I think either one of :highlight and nvim_set_hl({ns_id}, {name}, {val}) will prove useful.

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