I am trying to create project local settings for clangd
According to the docs for nvim-lspconfig, there are 3 ways to
achieve this
- nlsp-settings.nvim
- exrc
- using init.lua
And I have tried all 3, but with no success. And this is not possible by using a .clangd
file. The goal is
to enable --query driver
with the argument "/home/jared/Projects/CPP/NakOS/Toolchain/opt/cross/bin/i686-elf-g++"
My attempt at nlps-settings:
I ran:
:LspSettings local clangd
And that created this in the project root directory
└── clangd.json
Using json tab complete with a json lsp, I created
"clangd.arguments": [
Then I ran
:LspSettings update
and that didn’t work. I then ran
:LspSettings clangd
and that created a file
And that contains the same thing as above. This doesn’t work
And then I tried exrc
So in my init.lua
I enabled exrc
I have
-- bootstrap lazy.nvim, LazyVim and your plugins
vim.o.exrc = true
In my root project directory, I have .nvimrc.lua
, I have
lua << EOF
local configs = require("nvim_lsp/configs")
local util = require("nvim_lsp/util")
local root_pattern = util.root_pattern("compile_commands.json", "compile_flags.txt", ".git")
configs.clangd = {
default_config = util.utf8_config({
cmd = {
filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" },
root_dir = function(fname)
local filename = util.path.is_absolute(fname) and fname or util.path.join(vim.loop.cwd(), fname)
return root_pattern(filename) or util.path.dirname(filename)
I finally tried to edit my init.lua
so that these settings get applied
local nvim_lsp = require("lspconfig")
on_init = function(client)
local path = client.workspace_folders[1].name
if path == "/home/jared/Projects/CPP/NakOS" then
client.config.settings["clangd"].checkOnSave.overrideCommand =
{ "clangd", "--query-driver", "/home/jared/Projects/CPP/NakOS/Toolchain/opt/cross/bin/i686-elf-g++" }
client.notify("workspace/didChangeConfiguration", { settings = client.config.settings })
return true
settings = {
["clangd"] = { checkOnSave = { overrideCommand = {} } },
And none of this worked and this is unbelieably frustrating!