I am currently using the following snippet to add space before the foldmarker:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
pattern = '*',
desc = 'Add space before foldmarker',
callback = function()
if vim.bo.commentstring ~= nil and vim.bo.commentstring ~= '' then
vim.bo.commentstring = ' ' .. vim.bo.commentstring
Unfortunately, sometimes (!) it affects comments as well.
Has anyone tried amending commentstring selectively, for the foldmarker only?
You can set a custom foldtext function and handle things inside that. For example, I have:
function neat_foldtext() -- Simplified, cleaner foldtext.
local patterns = {
"%s?{{{%d?", -- Remove default fold markers, see :h foldmarker.
'"""', -- Remove triple-quotes (Python docstring syntax).
-- Make 'commentstring' into a more robust pattern and remove comment characters.
local commentstring = string.gsub(opt.commentstring:get(), "%s", "%s?%%s")
for _, v in pairs(fn.split(commentstring, "%s")) do
table.insert(patterns, v)
local headerline = fn.getline(vim.v.foldstart)
for _, pattern in pairs(patterns) do
headerline = headerline:gsub(pattern, "")
-- Add a space at the end before optional fill chars.
local foldtext = { string.rep("+ ", fn.foldlevel(vim.v.foldstart)), headerline, " " }
return table.concat(foldtext)
vim.opt.foldtext = "v:lua.neat_foldtext()"