Change in yank/put behavior starting with 0.6.0

With 0.5.1 and below
Yp would copy the current line and insert the copy below the current line
YP would copy the current line and insert the copy above the current line
Now with 0.6.0 or greater
Yp copies the current line and inserts it at the current cursor position+1 on the same line - “Test line” becomes “TTest lineest line”
YP copies the current line and inserts it at the current cursor position on the same line - “Test line” becomes “Test lineTest line”

I’ve moved all configuration files and am testing with the github appimages. Nothing jumps out for me in the change logs on github downloads. What changed? Or what do I have jacked up here?



See :h default-mappings

Thank you, that was the issue (but why?).

C is change to the end of line

D is delete to the end of line

Y is(was)… Yank the whole line?! The same as yy? Why?

It makes more sense for Y to be yank to end of line

On your case your cursor was probably at the beginning of the line so you didn’t realize the real difference

What you noticed is that Y is not charwise not linewise