Eslint + yarn workspaces

I am trying to switch from coc.nvim but I am stuck with this annoying issue where eslint server is not recognizing configurations in one of the packages inside a yarn workspace and now the package is filled with red lines. So to figure what might be the issue I looked into the nvim-lspconfig and I suspected 2 cause

  1. My eslint config is .eslintrc (no extension) and nvim-lspconfig doesn’t list that file as a root-pattern. So, I changed it to .eslintrc.json, restarted neovim, still no luck, red-lines everywhere.

  2. workspaceFolder I can’t say that I know what it is or whether this is the issue. But because yarn workspaces by folder structure look like this. So, maybe this has to do something with path/folders.

|- package_1
|   |-package.json
|-package_2             <- I am here
|   |-.eslintrc.json    <- So, eslint should honor this config
|   |-package.json
|- package_2
|   |-.eslintrc.json
|   |-package.json

Edit: If this is indeed an issue or a missing feature. I’ll open a ticket on the repo.