How to disable default `<C-LeftMouse>` action handler?

it like a default mapping, but it is not a normal mapping.

try nmap <C-LeftMouse>, result in “no mappings found”

I use Alacritty terminal, and use Ctrl + Click to open links.

and I do not need ctags feature at all. (I use lang server)

I want neovim mouse support enabled, but leave it not handle the Ctrl + Click mapping.

by default, neovim has <C-LeftMouse> bind to <C-]>

digged the related code, but did not know how <C-]> action executed.

   * Ctrl-Mouse click or double click in a quickfix window jumps to the
   * error under the mouse pointer.
  else if (((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_CTRL)
            || (mod_mask & MOD_MASK_MULTI_CLICK) == MOD_MASK_2CLICK)
           && bt_quickfix(curbuf)) {
    if (curwin->w_llist_ref == NULL) {          // quickfix window
    } else {                                    // location list window
    got_click = false;                  // ignore drag&release now
   * Ctrl-Mouse click (or double click in a help window) jumps to the tag
   * under the mouse pointer.
  else if ((mod_mask & MOD_MASK_CTRL) || (curbuf->b_help
                                          && (mod_mask &
                                              MOD_MASK_MULTI_CLICK) ==
                                          MOD_MASK_2CLICK)) {
    if (State & INSERT) {
    got_click = false;                  // ignore drag&release now

Sadly there seems to not be posible.
But I found the second best thing:
:nmap <C-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>gx
And whidout curor moving:
:nmap <C-LeftMouse> m`<LeftMouse>gx``