In Packer's wildcard expansion, using <CurrentMajor> produces a warning

I recently installed LuaSnip through Packer.nvim in Neovim v0.8.3. I used the following in my Packer configuration (based on what is mentioned in LuaSnip’s README):

  -- follow latest release.
  tag = "v<CurrentMajor>.*",
  -- install jsregexp (optional!:).
  run = "make install_jsregexp",
  config = function()

This is the first time I’m seeing that a tag can be specified this way, so I gave this a try. The installation all went well, except each time I run :PackerSync, I get the following warning message:

[packer.nvim] [WARN  16:51:48] git.lua:123: Wildcard expansion did not found any tag for plugin L3MON4D3/LuaSnip: defaulting to latest commit...

I’m using the latest commit of Packer from January 2023 (I found that a PR for wildcard support was merged in February 2022), and :h packer only mentions * for using the latest git tag but nothing about the usage of <CurrentMajor>. (Replacing it with * doesn’t result in any warnings.)

I’m not sure if this is a bug or I’ve just missed something, so I’d like to ask whether <CurrentMajor> can still be used somehow, or if it is better to just use *.