Is nvim's documentation corrupting my windows installation?

I recently decided to try out nvim, after using vim for a few years. I started following these instructions

I noticed after running these two commands

:call mkdir(stdpath('config'), 'p')
:exe 'edit '.stdpath('config').'/init.vim'    

I can no longer launch a specific app on my machine without it hard crashing (0xc0000409 – STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN), I also get nuget package errors complaining about dotnet imcompatibilities in git repos that work for my coworkers. And running sfc /scannow tells me I have corrupted files that need to be manually fixed and to look at windows/logs/CBS/CBS.log which contains things like this:

2021-08-13 13:57:04, Info CSI 0000008d Warning: Overlap: Directory \??\C:\Windows\System32\drivers\en-US\ is owned twice or has its security set twice

If it’s any use, this is my nvim.init

set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/vimfiles/vimrc
source ~/vimfiles/gvimrc

I’m wondering if one of these commands is malformed and somehow corrupting my systems registry key or something of the sort?
I noticed this happen on two separate machines now, both close in time to when I ran these commands, so I’m fairly certain my nvim configuring has something to do with it.

Has anyone else run into this? Or have any guesses as to what might be happening?

This was most likely a red herring. Another developer from my company experienced the same crash on his machine at a later date, so I no longer believe my nvim configuring had anything to do with it.