Is the Auto-Completion available in terminal mode?


I’d like to use the snippets of ultisnip in “terminal mode” in order not to repeat typing a same command.

For example:

  • Open a terminal in neovim
  • Type something like “CopyPath” ( which is a predefined snippet by UltiSnip)
  • The popup menu will appear and I can select one of the candidates as in insert mode.

My Question

Is the Auto-Completion available in terminal mode ?

Of course, there is a way to make snippets by using the shell programming in order to solve my stuffs wrote in my “Background”.

But if Auto-completion of neovim is available, I want to choice it.

Thanks for your reading.

The terminal auto-completion ia difficult to implement on current nvim.
Because the nvim_win_get_curaor is not work correctly on terminal.

I’d create issue about this and contributor tries to fix this but it seems to difficult.

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Oh…, I got it’s so difficult to implement.

Thanks for your replying.