On my French Windows 10 Pro
laptop :language
In my $vimfiles/vim/enter/vimrc.vim I have
set encoding=utf-8
and my different filetypes have (:se fenc
) fileencoding=utf-8
So when I :pu=strftime('%A')
I get a line below the cursor showing the weekday in French.
Here comes the problem, only in August: :pu=strftime('%B')
opens a line below with the month in French, but not in August - oh no, what I get is ao<fb>t
where that <fb>
is some kind of holding character. So my first question is how to stop this?
Now for the additional problem, only in August: Of course I figured out that I could get rid of that holding character with :w
followed by :e
, and “Voila!”, that :put
is fixed to août
, which it should’ve been from the start, but “Wtf!” now fileencoding=latin1
and all my utf-8
glyph’s in that file have been un-undoably converted to latin1
combinations. So I could fix that with se fenc=utf8
followed by diff’ing against a previous version of the file, and went as far as to begin a function! FixConversionToLatin1()
to repair that mess (in my $vfv/plugin/plugin.vim), but this is ridiculous - none of this happens mess happens in classic Vim
. Something’s wrong with the Neovim
implementation of strftime
- any ideas?