A standard GUI?

The most recent discussion prompted me to submit an issue for Goneovim about using Cmd+/Cmd- for font size changes. @akiyosi very helpfully wrote a lua script that would do that. I would have had no idea about how to implement this functionality.

(Not surprisingly, the keymap strings need to be different for different operating systems or keyboards. For example, on my Mac laptop, Cmd-+ is really Cmd-=, i.e. <D-=>.)

As a newbie, I’m disappointed to hear this. I love working in the terminal with Vim, but I’m a sucker for the extra “chrome” that GUIs tend to have with low-effort features for my most common needs.

My best idea is to work through the GUIs on Github in order according to which was most recently updated, and skip everything which isn’t easy to install. My experience with FOSS is, if it’s not easy to install and use, then you should be prepared to contribute new PRs to it. A rough litmus-test, to be sure, but effective.

Or I might just give nvim its own terminal and see how much better it is than Vim.

I have read a lot in this thread, because I would like to experience whether neovim would suit me better than vim.

I use gvim all the time, and after installing neovim the first thing I encountered was that there was no obvious gvim equivalent in the neovim world.

This thread makes very clear that there is no hope. gvim suits me very well, and trying to get that experience with neovim is not worth it.

Au contraire, it suggests that you are not alone and could, if so inclined, in participation with the OP and other commenters, set out to create and maintain a “standard” GUI for neovim. I would suggest to begin by agreeing on a list of features that such a project would want to provide (which TUI neovim does not). Cross-platform rendering consistency, for example…

But given that gvim and macvim already exist, I have no incentive to go through all this. And I’m not that kind of developer.